Lakewood Cemetery (like all cemeteries) is full of hauntingly sad and
beautiful things, one of them being a monument designating an area
apparently reserved for carnies, bearing this poem:
No Ferris wheel with circling lights
Glitters across our quiet nights;
Bird music has replaced the sounds
Of barkers' calls and merry-go-rounds;
Tent canvas folded, stored away,
Steeps in no sun for us this day.
-Visitors at life's carnival,
Did we bring something to you all?
After drudging at mill or desk
Did you find us picturesque?
Did you enjoy a thrill, a laugh?
Then let this be our epitaph -
We Showmen with our flags unfurled
Toiled to add brightness to the world
Though grace and mercy are a need
For us, as for all of Adam's breed,
Hopefully now, with freshened eyes
We wait God's show of Paradise.