So, every year (for maybe the last five) around Thanksgiving I hear someone mention turducken, which is a supposedly delicious... um... thing where you push a tiny de-boned chicken into a small de-boned duck, the two of which you ram up the cavity of a partially de-boned turkey. Each layer is slathered (lubed?) in some sort of sausage/veggie stew. I'm not an expert in these things, but I don't think it's considered to be vegan.
Large meat object aside, I have a slightly annoying obsessive/compulsive fixation on that word, "turducken." As soon as I hear it, I turn it over and over in my head, pronounce it silently for hours at a time, shout it out loud when I'm alone in my car. "Turducken! Turducken, turducken, turducken!"
I think I must be fascinated by the "turd" and "fuckin" aspects of the word, which sort of match up with the concept, come to think of it. If I had Tourette's (I think I may in fact, like many people, have Tourettic tendencies), "turducken" would be one of the words I'd bark. "Could you please TURDUCKEN! pass me the potatoes, Darcy?"