A woman from Maine just sent me this regarding our Stone Faces. I'm telling ya, prospective entrepreneurs, people are making money selling these things!:
"Hi Dave..sorry these took so long, but I have been making them by the
dozen in hopes of selling same at our next year's plant sale...we are a
Maine coastal garden club and use the sale as a means to earn $$$ to use
during the year to assist local garden and environmental causes, as
well as run our club...
As I said, I cemented the plastic plant holder right into the back
of the Greek God mold, then took two sessions of sealing the entire back
of the plastic pot with cement...the plastic pot then becomes an
integral part of the head and looks a lot better than if the pot itself
shows. What do you think?
I just ordered two more heads from you and will be cementing up a
storm in the near future. Thanks for such a nice product!
Joyce Tracksler, President, Harbourside Garden Club, Kittery, Maine"